
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022

Your music deserves to be heard, promote it with these campaigns on our Instagram and derived networks

Package 1    It includes: We'll create a video discussing your release for all our networks in one of our most popular formats (indie alert or indie-spensable).  To access this service, please fill out this form, and we will get in touch with you to provide specific information about the package:   https://forms.gle/SQbhQGUdi5vmJRWL6 cost: 9 dollars. Package  2    (The most requested) It includes: Package 1  Campaign to position your song among our followers.  To access this service, please fill out this form, and we will get in touch with you to provide specific information about the package:  https://forms.gle/56UoRdrvx58B2YH76 cost: 16 dollars. The payment method: PayPal or the one that suits your country    List of bands and artists who trusted our services: Septimo Invitado  (República Dominicana) Intermitente  (México)  Jon Doe  (Alemania) The Effenaar  ( UK ) Low Melou Car  (Bolivia) Skylight  (México) Charlieparara  (Paraguay) Delle   (México) Las Legañas  (España) Diegotal